Monday, February 19, 2007

A stroke of luck...

Today was going to be THE day. You know, the one where everything gets organized; where the larders get filled; where a PLAN is created. Didn't happen. I had already cleaned out the refrigerators (both of them) and gotten rid of all the stuff that, frankly, rotted while I was working unexpectedly long days last week. Today, we woke up to overcast and rainy, which I love. It just wasn't a day to rev into high gear.

In fairness, I really needed a weekend this weekend. Saturday was my birthday (an ugly sounding one--I'm not really acknowledging it), so there was much ado about nothing. It did result, however, in some nice visiting time with the Husband, the kids, and the granddaughters. I came into the weekend utterly spent, and it seemed like I fell asleep every time I sat down. Eventually, I just gave into it. Once I realized that today was not going to be THE day, I relaxed--really, really relaxed--for the first time in weeks. I know I'll kick myself later for all the things I didn't get done, but someone very wise has said to me many times, "You've got to go slow to go fast." I get it. This was my slow weekend.

With that said, though, dinner still needed cooking tonight. I did buy meat at Costco yesterday, so the rest became a scavenger hunt. I had some new red potatoes that had begun to sprout, some zucchini that was a little hinky on the ends, and all kinds of meat. I did NOT have any fresh herbs, milk, cream, or much of anything else. I don't keep a heavily stocked pantry, either, so it was really a challenge. When faced with a challenge, sometimes I just go do something else to let my subconscious work on it, which is when it happened. While sorting through all the magazines I haven't read, I dropped the Thanksgiving (insert embarrassed face here) issue of Gourmet (or Bon Appetit, don't really remember) on the floor. It fell open to a recipe for a spice rubbed pork tenderloin with a sauce made from pomegranite juice. Voila! Dinner.

It was really quite good, and I'll post the recipe later in the week. In the meantime, I've decided to scale back on my planning. Honestly, I shouldn't shop for more than a couple of days at a time, because it irritates me to no end to throw food away. Tomorrow will be ahi tuna on the grill--which was supposed to be today's dinner, but even intrepid desert dwellers don't necessarily like to grill in pelting rain. Off to bed, and ready to begin another week.

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